The series of artwork created for Charleston Supported Art explored the direct, visceral relationship Hirsig feels with nature.  The artist created 32 unique works featuring photographs overlaid with the antique images of vital organs (heart, brain, nerves), and glass vials with seeds or soil all combined to convey her experiences hiking and kayaking in the Lowcountry landscape.

After graduating from Illinois State University with a Bachelors Degree in Education and Art, Tina Hirsig moved to Boston, Massachusetts where she studied painting and printmaking in the Studio Diploma Program at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. This experience solidified her commitment to the arts and arts education. Teaching the next ten years in Boston, Tina gained the knowledge and experience in art education, arts advocacy, as well as established a studio practice. In 2003 she moved to Charleston, South Carolina and has since completed a Master of Fine Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts from Goddard College. Hirsig currently maintains an active studio practice, exhibits her artwork nationally, and gives back to the community through teaching at local universities and public schools.


Jen Ervin
Anna Hopkins
Alan Jackson
Joshua Lynn
Kate MacNeil